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Shay is the original founder of ShayNox Studios, and works on everything offered currently.

During suiting season, Shayna can often be found running around playing pranks, getting up to mischief, and being overall adorable!

During working hours, Shay typically manages the schedule, queue, and contact with clients for both fursuits and art. 

On off hours, Shay likes to experiment with projects to further her skill and knowledge!

Shay's main 
sona is a black dragoness named Shayna Treeswift, whom she has owned for 19 years in Summer '19!



Conor is the newest member of the ShayNox team, and show exceptional talent! A true natural in every sense of the word, he picks up everything extremely quickly, and then rapidly exceeds expectations. 

Currently he works on fursuits, assisting with items in the queue, and working solely on convention stock!

He plans to expand to other areas 
in future

Conor's sona is a grey/opalescent dragon named Cucuna! 



Floof the Doggo

Floof the Doggo is our company mascot!


This sweet, endearing, lovable boy is a Border Collie and Husky mix, working part-time as a barrista and full-time as our mascot!

He loves hockey, specifically, he loves the Montreal Canadiens and is an avid supporter!


He loves frolicing, nature, and jokes, and has a major soft spot for all living creatures (his favorite are butterflies!)


During suiting season he can often be found running around giving hugs and getting into mischief! 



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